
A poem

James Crawford
1 min readMay 29, 2024

Confined to tight spaces

Forged by corporate races

Devout to whom phases

My Soul

Pressures overbearing

Chasing riches, fame uncaring

No time for despairing

My Soul

But when my mind can wander

Late in the dark it will ponder

It joins my heart to conquer

My Soul

Enforcing commitment to chasing

The naturally amazing

No point in paraphrasing

My Soul

But in retaliation

My soul counters with consideration

Without exasperation

My Soul

It speaks of a connection

One potential extension

Lost in many dimensions

Of My Soul

But before the mind could counter

Or the heart overpower

There came an energy shower

From My Soul

The mind could not compute

This illogical absolute

It could not irrefute

My Soul

And the heart was a mess

Could not emotionally address

Gave into the surrounding caress

Of My Soul

It was divine intervention

Overtaking moral subjugation

Mental and physical irrigation

Through My Soul

Thanks be to the creator

Our foundational defender

Jesus Christ, the epic saviour

Oh, My Soul



James Crawford

Just a simple Christian/IT/techie/gamer that also loves to jam away on his guitar. Oh, and I sometimes write stuff here.