Lightyear Two

Time Travel Experiment

James Crawford
2 min readJul 8, 2024
Screenshot of LinkedIn comment captured by Author

Alright guys, time travel experiment. I captured the above image on February 22, 2022.

Desktop screenshot captured by Author to prove time travel experiment

I want to see if Lightyear’s comment holds true, so let me know future selves! Sure, such claims from start-up companies definitely need to be taken with a grain of salt. However, if the more-affordable Lightyear Two is coming to fruition around this time, I’ll be doing a happy dance (probably not, but I will be ecstatic!).

Having a truly-affordable solar electric car will be such a gamechanger. It still surprises me to this day (February 22, 2022) that Lightyear hype hasn’t grown that much. Really hoping this changes by the time this article posts in the future too…

If the comment still exists, you can find a link to it here.

Okay, time to strap in and fire up the flux capacitor. I’ll see you all in July 2024.



James Crawford

Just a simple Christian/IT/techie/gamer that also loves to jam away on his guitar. Oh, and I sometimes write stuff here.