Tesla just hit $1 Trillion in market value

James Crawford
2 min readOct 27, 2021

I’m not a financial guy, by any true means, but whenever Gali from Hyperchange gets psyched about Tesla… it’s hard for me not to.

With the crazy amount of potential growth and disruptions in Tesla‘s near future, you must realize one thing. Elon Musk’s grand plan is far from over.

Just to think, even with what the company is already doing exceedingly well at, there’s lots of talk and tidbits pointing to grander things yet to come.

Tesla is much more than a car company. They’re truly an energy company that just so happens to make forms of transportation that also run on electrical energy.

Even these two initial industry disruptions have trickled down into various sub-disruptions. Some of which could happen in the next few years or within the next few decades:

  • Autonomous Ride Sharing service (aka “Robotaxi”)
  • HVAC System for the home with “smart” capabilities
  • Tesla’s own chain of restaurants, stores and/or coffee shops at supercharger locations

These points are merely scraping the surface of potential industry disruptions that this energy-focused tech company might deploy.



James Crawford

Just a simple Christian/IT/techie/gamer that also loves to jam away on his guitar. Oh, and I sometimes write stuff here.